On the occasion of the academic stay of Professor Ruth Kellerhals at
Waseda Institute for Advanced Study(WIAS) in April 2017,
we will have a mini-workshop titled ``Growth 4".
Main topics are geometric group theory, hyperbolic geometry and low dimensional topology.
Mini-workshop``Growth 4"
Date: 22nd and 23rd April 2017
Venue:Room 717A in the building No.14 at Waseda campus
Organizers: Yohei Komori (Waseda), Yuriko Umemoto (Nara), Tomoshige Yukita (Waseda)
Talks (updated March 27 2017)
Vincent Emery (Bern): Group homology and volumes of hyperbolic
Michihiko Fujii (Ryukyu): On growth of Seifert fiber spaces over disks
with two cone points
Ruth Kellerhals (Fribourg): Aspects of hyperbolic volume in five dimensions
Eiko Kin (Osaka):Small asymptotic translation lengths of pseudo-Anosov maps on the curve complex
Katsuhiko Matsuzaki (Waseda): The Laplacian and exponential growth rate on the weighted Cayley graph of a free group
(joint work with Johannes Jaerisch)
Hideki Miyachi (Osaka): On deformations of affine deformations
Jun Murakami (Waseda): On asymptotics of quantum 6j symbols
Makoto Sakuma (Hiroshima): Agol’s classification of groups generated by two parabolic transformations
(joint work with Hirotaka Akiyoshi, Ken’ichi Ohshika and John Parker)
Yasushi Yamashita (Nara): The realization problem for Jorgensen numbers
(Joint work with R. Yamazaki)
- Schedule of Mini-workshop ``Growth 4" at Waseda (updated March 23 2017)
- Apri 22 (Sat.)
- 10:00--10:50:
- 11:05--11:55:
- 13:30--14:20:
- 14:35--15:25:
- 16:00--16:50:
- 17:05--17:55:
- 18:30--:
workshop dinner at
Quatre Fontaines
If you wish to join us, please send e-mail to [email protected] by 10th April.
- Apri 23 (Sun.)
- 9:30--10:20:
- 10:35--11:25:
- 11:40--12:30:
Photos (by courtesy of Yuriko Umemoto)